Ep. 26 "Baritone Curse"

Released Friday, August 31, 2012

Are you a baritone who yearns to be a tenor? Maybe you feel cursed to never hit the high notes that you've always wanted. In Episode 26, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney discusses whether it's possible to break the curse and discover your upper range as a baritone.

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Ep. 24 "Breathe... Then What?"

8/17/2012 Ep. 24 "Breathe... Then What?"

Many singers know how to take a good breath. But is that really the answer to good singing? Voice Teacher Justin Stoney discusses what to do after the inhale breath and offers perspective on breathing for singing.
Ep. 41 "Adding Technique To Songs"

6/8/2013 Ep. 41 "Adding Technique To Songs"

Do you do vocal exercises, but then not understand how to add these exercises when your are singing songs? In Episode 41, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching demonstrates how to add vocal technique concepts to song work. Make sure that your songs benefit from all the great work you are doing with your vocal exercises!
Ep. 66 "Voicenet 1 - L In A Cell"

8/3/2014 Ep. 66 "Voicenet 1 - L In A Cell"

The L consonant is particularly pesky when it comes to singing songs. It’s a criminal consonant that’s been on the loose for way too long. But take heart singers! In Ep. 66, Sgt. Joe Stoney of the NYVCPD helps put L In A Cell! The result is Life, Liberty, and Laryngeal happiness for singers everywhere. Enjoy Voice Lessons To The World and VoiceNet!