Raise your voice in song.

Voice Lessons To The World is the hit YouTube show and vocal course that brings singing tips, voice lessons, vocal pedagogy, and more to viewers around the world.

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Ep. 124 Vocal Fry - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

Monday, February 27, 2023 Ep. 124 Vocal Fry - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

Did you know Vocal Fry can be considered a Vocal Distortion? In part 4 of our Distortion series we are joined by Distortion Specialist Nicolás Hormazábal. Together, he and Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explore what Vocal Fry is, what it sounds like, and how to master its many possibilities.
Ep. 123 Death Growls - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

Recently on VLTTW Ep. 123 Death Growls - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

Want to learn how to do Death Growls? In part 3 of our Distortion series we are joined by Distortion Specialist Nicolás Hormazábal. Together, he and Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explore what a Death Growl is, what it sounds like, and how to do it.
Ep. 122 Rasp - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

ICYMI Ep. 122 Rasp - Distortion, Rasp, & Vocal Effect Pt. 2

*Want to learn how to sing with RASP? In part 2 of our Distortion series we are joined by Distortion Specialist Nicolás Hormazábal. Together, he and Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explore what False Fold Distortion is, what it sounds like, and how to do it. *
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More Episodes

Ep. 67 “VoiceNet 2- R Behind Bars”
A Prayer From Justin Stoney
Ep. 37 "Glottal: Friend Or Foe?"
Ep. 99 Voice Lessons For Beginners 2 - “Twelve Steps To Vocal Success”
“Teaching Singing To Kids & Children Pt. 1” Ep. 118
Ep. 28 "Bad To Be Breathy?"- Voice Lessons To The World
Ep. 43 "Reinforced Falsetto"
Ep. 96 “How To Sing The AY Vowel - The DAY Arrives!”
Ep. 3  "How To Riff- The Pentatonic Scale"

All Episodes

The Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course

The Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course is an all-original singing resource created by internationally-renowned voice teacher Justin Stoney and New York Vocal Coaching Inc. This 12-Part Vocal Course takes you on a singing journey from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced to Master. It features over 10+ hours of content, hundreds of vocal exercises, video & audio, and more. It's almost like taking lessons with Justin Stoney, except at your own pace and wherever you are!

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Sing Like Never Before
You Can Sing Like Never Before

Sing Like Never Before was created to help Singers and Voice Teachers understand complex ideas and concepts while still keeping the fun and the Joy throughout the process. With its colorful artwork and entertaining style, Sing Like Never Before is making vocal technique practical and accessible for vocalists and pedagogues everywhere.

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