Ep. 14 "Cool Teenagers"

Released Friday, June 8, 2012

Why do teenage guys have such trouble hitting high notes? In Episode 14, Justin Stoney discusses the physical and mental factors that can sometimes limit the range of the young male voice.

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10/16/2013 Ep. 50 "A New York Minute"

Is life not turning out how you planned? Not to fear. Miracles can happen in "A New York Minute". In the very personal Episode 50, Justin Stoney shares the serendipitous tale that led him to becoming a Voice Teacher. We never know when we are a about to smack into our divine destiny. So... Never Say Never...
A Prayer From Justin Stoney

3/23/2020 A Prayer From Justin Stoney

With the world in crisis, we are all doing what we can to support one another in health and hopefulness. In this video, Justin Stoney offers a prayer to those who would like to receive prayer during this difficult time.
Ep. 7 "My Voice Is Weak"

4/20/2012 Ep. 7 "My Voice Is Weak"

Is your voice weak? Do you lack vocal power? Learn how to fix a weak singing voice with vocal strengthening exercises. In Episode 7, Justin Stoney, founder of New York Vocal Coaching addresses a common reason that singers lack strength to their singing voices.